Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Button, Button

There is a big community-wide garage sale held in our neighborhood twice a year. I'm not a huge fan of garage sales these days--it takes a lot of driving about to find the kind of stuff I like to buy; while they're great for things like clothes, baby supplies, never-used exercise equipment, etc., these are not things I'm generally looking for. I actually prefer estate sales. But B. and I drove around to a few sales whose descriptions seemed interesting, including one that mentioned buttons. (Remember, I have a bit of a button fetish going on, but shhhh, don't tell anyone!)

OK, could be interesting...although I'm always a bit suspicious when I see buttons called out in an ad: people sometimes seem to think that a jar filled with completely ordinary buttons is worth a lot of money just because the buttons are allegedly "old." Um, no, not really: "old" does not always equal "good" or "valuable." But lo and behold, we arrived at the sale and found the most charming elderly couple. Turns out they're truly button collectors and are both members of the San Diego Button Club: he collects military buttons and she collects all kinds of buttons. I just had to buy from them, in part because they were just so darn nice! And the buttons were pretty darn cute, too...


vivi said...

Are those just too adorable? The world does not know what it is missing since the advent of "velcro". Hugs & XXXX

shari said...

a button fetish! hmmm... i like buttons and i have a colection but i don't use them much. i always THINK i will but then i don't... sigh. i have a lot of those kind of collections.

Various and Sunday said...

how sweet is this story? loved it. perhaps button lady will turn over her crown to you? ;)