Sunday, July 8, 2012

SOP: Week Two

Here's the "after" shot of my paper area (well, ONE of my paper areas!)

Yay! Click here to see last week's "before" shot (I'm trying to save Picasa space...I'm starting to reach my limit, so I ask you to please click back to see the "before.") During this process, I came to quite a realization: I do NOT have to save every scrap of paper that comes my way. Wow! What a revelation...

We have a house guest coming this week (Woot woot! Hi, Miss D.!) , in part due to the wonder that is Comic-Con, although I don't partake--I have been once, and it was way cool, but that was enough for this gal--so I won't have time for a project this week. However, I am on an ongoing quest to clean up the  incredible mess seen above: the photo files on my computer.

It may not surprise you to learn that I take a LOT of photos...for every photo of Tallulah Mae that you see here, there are 10 others, for example. Ahem. And I just dump them onto the computer without organizing them. Until NOW! Now I"m grouping them in logical files...I'm in 2009, y'all! This is obviously more than a week's worth of work, so we'll check back at the end of the summer to see how I'm doing.

So far, so good!


Kathryn said...

Check out my Texas blog. Put a link to your blog about your SOP.
Awesome on your progress (week two). Can you come organize my paper when you're done? (You would faint at the amount of it!)

Also, I have some items you might be interested in for your etsy store. Email me, okay?

JuJu said...

Oh, you are two for two! Well done!!!

good luck on that photo thing. I'm thinking that might be LONG TERM project?

Anonymous said...

I can't wait for Thursday! And, sorry, one can NEVER have enough paper. I share your strange obsession with scraps. I am contemplating tossing them. But only after I make quilt square cards.


Andy's Attic said...

OK, now I feel like I have to organize my picasa photos. Is that why my computer keeps telling me I am running out of disc space??