Thursday, November 13, 2014

Ch-ch-ch Chia...Pudding

OK, so it doesn't LOOK all that appetizing, but it's rather tasty: chia "pudding" (no cook) made with almond milk and maple syrup. Chia seeds (the ones I have are black, hence the lovely grey color!) are super high in protein and fiber. And yes, I believe they are THOSE chia seeds. The texture is rather like tapioca.

We have a hard time with breakfast...boring, not all that great for you, etc., etc., so I was nosing around the interwebs and found this. It's filling, eaten with some fruit...until it's not: about 3 hours after eating it, you are all of a sudden HUNGRY. Variety, spice, life.


Jolien said...

I'm so boring breakfast-wise, blame it on my Dutch blood. We have bread every morning with either cheese, ham or chocolate sprinkles... I need my chocolate though, might not be entirely good for me, but it tastes good. ;)

I always see great & prolly good tasting alternatives online, but I never seem to find the time (nor will) to spend time on that in the morning...

I do wonder what you added to make the bird feed (sorry) tasty? Or do these seeds really have that much flavour?

vivi said...

Donuts and coffee cake are never boring!!! (Also NOT healthy--I know, I know!)

Various and Sunday said...

I've had it. Try it with chocolate almond milk, too. Yummy! And chia seeds are wildly full of omega fatty acids, which we need. Good choice!