Friday, September 13, 2019

End-of-Summer Pool Party

 We have had a lot of birds at the fountain this summer (YAY!), but yesterday was a full-on bird bonanza. Finches, sparrows, wrens, and doves--a whole flock of doves!

 Six doves!

 Not sure who this large whitish one is, but he/she is definitely different from the others.

 They all share very nicely...mostly. Occasionally one will sort of chase off another one (usually one of its own species).

The doves snuggle down into the mulch and sun/warm themselves. They lift one wing to sun themselves (we think). So cool!

It makes me SO happy to have all of these birds in the backyard! I could watch them for hours.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Pool Party @ B&S' House!