Friday, June 24, 2022

One After the Other After the Other


Nesting dolls of rights being stripped away by right-wing ideologues, three of whom lied to the Senate about their position on Roe v. Wade in order to win confirmation: the largest represents today's overturning of Roe v. Wade; the next one could be Griswold v. Connecticut, which considered the right to use contraception; next, Obergefell v. Hodges, which says that same sex couples have a right to be legally married; then Lawrence v. Texas, which said that people have a right to privacy when it comes to how they have sex with each other. The next might be Loving v. Virginia, which gave interracial couples the right to marry, but Clarence Thomas is married to a white woman, Ginni Thomas, who had a very large role to play in the pathetic but dangerous attempt to overturn the lawful election of President Joe Biden, so he'll probably want to leave that one alone. 

That leaves our tiniest lady, whose face says it all: OMG, what is next?

P.S. On Monday, the regularly scheduled posts of flowers and birds will resume...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a fucked up country. And all because of that atrocious lying piece of shit, the Trump-whipped Republican Party, and the morons who fell for it hook, line and sinker. They should be ashamed of themselves. B/xox