--Leo Tolstoy
I wish everyone a very happy new year, full of love and all other good things.
foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
The fact that this little guy/girl isn't afraid of me and lets me get so close . . . check out the feet, people!
Other things I liked this week: warm bread pudding; an email with a picture of my friend's new Boston terrier pup, Ike; walking in the park with Wendy and her darling new dog, Stanley; crafting, finally; the Wednesday-night double-header of mindless TV (America's Next Top Model and Project Runway); getting a cute grey-and-yellow Marston's hatbox for $2 at an estate sale; this website (come on: a baby coyote?! Cute overload, indeed).
OK, because I am most certainly NOT a Pollyanna, a list of things I DID not like this week: Christmas shopping (ugh)--this includes one of the rudest shopgirls ever, who seemingly hated me simply for coming in her door; the idiot who ran up behind me on the sidewalk, wearing his iPod, with his dog, when Tallulah and I had our backs to him--SO not cool; a stiff neck; finding the tomato plant that my friend the gopher has decapitated (and the next day he/she pulled the plant down underground).