Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Nope, I Didn't Make These Either

Look at these cute things I won in a blog giveaway from Nicole at Craftapalooza (is that a fabulous blog name or what?), and they traveled all the way from Australia! Woo-hoo! Lovin' the skwerls on the tissue holder, and the little tape measure is perfect to carry around in my bag--and I know it's mine, 'cause it has an "S" on it! How fun IS it to win stuff? I so rarely do that it's a huge thrill for me. Thanks, Nicole!


Various and Sunday said...

Wait a minute!? How can I get in on all this good crafty swag? Did you have to make something to throw in the pot? I'm jealous. I luhrve the tissue holder!!

Susan said...

I love these, too!