Friday, April 24, 2009

Tallulah-Palooza Friday

Here Tallulah Mae shows us her talent for balancing things on her head...{clap clap clap}.

Actually, this is a classic photography mistake: taking a photo without noticing what's behind your subject. (It's also amusing that the gazing ball appears to be floating up above the greenery.) Ha!


vivi said...

Poor Baby!!! That looks like some of the photos I am famous for taking! Only mine ususally only have half a head. Oh--the gazing ball! Love & kisses to all.

JuJu said...

I love it when dogs have their two front legs stretched out. As usual, the Friday TP made me smile! Please pet her for me!

Various and Sunday said...

Cute! I have a photo of Oreo with something above his head that looks like a sombrero. It's the picture a friend used when she sent me the framed poem/picture thingy. When I see that sombrero it makes me giggle. Perfect addition to the very sad poem! I love T-Mae laying in the warm DG. Very darling.