*{Speed read in a low monotone: "The views expressed above are from an extremely biased and somewhat Tallulah-obsessed and Tallulah-besotted personage who shall remain nameless. Your results may vary. Side effects: head explosions, compulsion to kiss pink spot on nose, cooing and oohing and ahhing. Time may be wasted staring adoringly at Tallulah Mae. Seek medical help for a head explosion lasting more than four hours as permanent damage may occur. Not recommended for those who intend to get anything productive done."}
Cue music, more upbeat this time. "Tallulah Mae [generic name: caninus cutiecus]. Because life is all too short to not kiss a dog daily."
P.S. Since my blogging mojo is obviously messed up from Monday's brain lapse, why not continue the spree? I tried to schedule this to post on Friday--twice, I tried--and it merrily posted on Thursday night. So, it's Tallulah-Palooza Thursday late evening AND Tallulah-Palooza Friday. Enjoy!
I'm so happy to see Miss Thang early on a Friday. Now, I know it's going to be a great day!
OMG those ears look like airplane wings!! Why not send her right over to play with Lolls and I;-)
Happy belated, hope your day was super duper:-)
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