foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
MMMMM, those look good! I'll say, sometimes you just need... chocolate.Annette
...a tutu, a princess crown, and a magic wand!!! yes, yes!
Wow, those are great looking Bloody Mary's!Sometimes, you just need...a nap with your four legged friend!
In my case, a box-o-wine and a box-o-Capt'n Crunch will do it every time. While in front of the computer of course!kat
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MMMMM, those look good! I'll say, sometimes you just need... chocolate.
...a tutu, a princess crown, and a magic wand!!! yes, yes!
Wow, those are great looking Bloody Mary's!
Sometimes, you just need...a nap with your four legged friend!
In my case, a box-o-wine and a box-o-Capt'n Crunch will do it every time. While in front of the computer of course!
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