foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
sweet! unofortunately, we are clothesline-less. ressent: i ressent the fact that we ain't got no clothesline
Those poodles are adorable!! Nothing smells better than sheets just off the clothesline. We have no clothes line....yet.Annette
I have never used a clothesline. How off the chart am I?And, why do those poodles remind me of William and Kate?terawncWhen I travel to Greece (like I ever have), I like to sit outside on the terawnc.
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sweet! unofortunately, we are clothesline-less.
ressent: i ressent the fact that we ain't got no clothesline
Those poodles are adorable!! Nothing smells better than sheets just off the clothesline. We have no clothes line....yet.
I have never used a clothesline. How off the chart am I?
And, why do those poodles remind me of William and Kate?
When I travel to Greece (like I ever have), I like to sit outside on the terawnc.
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