Wednesday, April 16, 2014


 On Sunday I took a little field trip to White Mountains Ranch with a few Garden Club friends. The farm focuses on heritage breed animals, and it is a real labor of love.

As we walked up a hill from the driveway, we were greeted by a trotting herd of baby Nubian goats. O.M.G. Cuteness overload! They were all bottle fed so are sweet and docile and loving--they want to be petted, and they actually wag their little tails. They run around in little groups, and if one finds itself separated, it very loudly yells: "Maaaaaaaaaaaaa..."

  These are adult females; the male sires are kept separated in a pen.

 A goat herd! A herd of goats! Love love love! Action shot below--they were a bit hard to photograph (even though I have tons more pix of them) because they are constantly in motion.
 And as if that weren't enough cuteness: puppies!!!! Nine fluffballs. They are part Anatolian shepherd--that's Toli, the mom, below (and check out that heart on her forehead)--and dad is a Pyrenees mix, both very sweet and mellow dogs. These breeds are not herders: they stay in the pasture/field with livestock and literally guard them. They're large: 100 pounds or so.

 These are heritage turkeys. What a face...
 Roosters and chickens...

And the view...

A really fun little excursion. I'm one of those adults who goes into the petting zoo, so you can imagine that I was in heaven here!


vivi said...

What a fun day for you! I know you were in heaven!!!

Annette said...

Cute, cute goats. Love those ears. Puppies are cute too but can't say the same for the turkey. Turkey is interesting. Our neighbors had a goat for a while to eat the weeds in a field and I would stop and say hello as I drove by. He would always look up.