Thursday, January 24, 2019

Mockingbird Sing-Off

 I heard a mockingbird sing (I know, that sounds like the title of a novel), so I stepped outside and saw, way up in the paperbark tree behind our house, this bird--it was definitely singing (I have photos of it with its beak open). Turns out, this is a female mockingbird.
Then I noticed this male mockingbird high up in the next-door neighbors' tree--he was REALLY singing. I thought only the males did the incredible repertoire of calls, but Miss Thing was also vocalizing up a storm. Perhaps some sort of mating ritual--it IS that time of year...

I know many people find them annoying, but I love them!

1 comment:

vivi said...

Remembering your brother when he was so ill
and his battles with the mockingbirds!!!!