Tuesday, October 2, 2007

They're Baaack . . .

The gophers, that is. Here's some handiwork in the front "yard" (currently, and seemingly endlessly, awaiting its redesign). We watched one of them repeatedly stick his little head out, nervously, waiting for us to leave. It was kinda like this . . .

Sigh. So now we've resorted to--wait for it--buying urine online. Yes, you read that right: fox urine. (What an age we live in where that's possible!) The theory is that the gophers will smell the predator and hightail it away. I was told by someone in the neighborhood that coyote urine worked, but apparently you have to fine-tune your urine purchasing and get the right one! B. offered to donate to the cause, but I declined. For many reasons. Not the least of which is the little Caddyshack dance we watched the other day. Mr. Gopher was twitchy, but I don't believe he sees us as predators. Gopher Watch 2007 continues . . .

1 comment:

Susan said...

Sorry about the gopher, but glad you are up and running again!