foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
Monday, May 19, 2008
A Gorilla's Behind, or, It's a Hot Monday
What happens when you combine a steamy hot Monday with too much work taxing my tired little brainstem? You get this, a photo of an inflatable gorilla's tush. It's sort of funny, right, cuz it looks like he's about to stomp on cars passing by. Hee hee? You're giggling, right?
Wildly in love with my husband B., former guardian of the late, lamented Miss Tallulah Mae (the wonder dog), adorer of all canines, dilettantish crafter, obsessed with birds, vintage shopper, lover of libraries, neophyte cellist, and foziewisp.
1 comment:
Nothing like a good shot of a gorilla tush(: Looks like he's bending a car in half! Must be REALLY hot out there!
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