Wednesday, January 11, 2012

File Under "It Takes All Kinds..."

Today I drove by this's got some really cool stuff mixed in with some, um, junk.
I loves me some quirky house decor, and I'm filing this one under "eccentric."
This person--and I saw her in the flesh--I think has moved beyond quirky/eccentric into the realm of mental problems. I do admire the hard work that went into sticking all of those individual letters, ransom note style, onto her vehicle. None of it really makes much sense, but there seems to be some concern for children, including Michael Jackson's kids and Britney Spears's children.

The driver's sartorial choices were interesting too: a green metallic skirt worn on her head like a turban (shades of Little Edie Beale in Grey Gardens [if you haven't seen the original, you really must find it and watch it]); sheer lacy sleeves over a bra; black tight workout pants pushed up to the knee; bright pink socks worn with sandals; lots of jewelry. She seemed happy...


Andy's Attic said...

I just hope she isn't dangerous....

Various and Sunday said...

Oh good graciousness! where did you see her? I must see her, too. Ha!