foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tallulah-Palooza Friday
Wait, what's that bit of black and white I see here?
And whose tail is this?
Hmm...I wonder...Why look, it's Tallulah Mae, lounging on the banquette and wondering where her BLT with avocado is...she thinks the service in this place is execrable: the staff is very friendly, but they never seem to get her order right.
How disappointing to have such bad service, I feel for you Miss Tallulah Mae. Oh yeah, your long black tail is quite impressive, and tell your Mom to spoil you a bit more, the nerve!! He he!
Wildly in love with my husband B., former guardian of the late, lamented Miss Tallulah Mae (the wonder dog), adorer of all canines, dilettantish crafter, obsessed with birds, vintage shopper, lover of libraries, neophyte cellist, and foziewisp.
If grandma was here--I would find something!XXXXXX
How disappointing to have such bad service, I feel for you Miss Tallulah Mae. Oh yeah, your long black tail is quite impressive, and tell your Mom to spoil you a bit more, the nerve!! He he!
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