Wednesday, August 19, 2009

I (Heart) Hearts

And so does Mother Nature, apparently...
BTW: the Nancy Drew event we went to was held at UCSD. It was really fun: a radio show-type reading of a condensed version of The Whispering Statue with sound effects contributed by the audience; an exhibition of many cool Nancy Drew books; and refreshments from the Nancy Drew Cookbook (who knew?). (If you're into Nancy, check out the Web site linked for the cookbook--very cool!) Door prizes included tiny flashlights, magnifying glasses, and gaudy lighted rings. I've decided I was more like Bess or George than Nancy...I was not a particularly intrepid child!

1 comment:

shari said...

hi sherri! what kind of leaf is this? i just took two pictures of leaf hearts to post on my blog...great foziewisp minds think alike...