Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Looky Here!

Check out Sprouty McSprouterson's the last, lonely artichoke of the season. The artichoke's thistle family tree is quite evident here, yes?


shari said...

how cool! i didn't know they would do that! i LOVE the color combinations... like old metal, sort of. our garden got attacked by evil slug monsters unto near destruction. it's very sad...

JuJu said...

You taught me something today! I had no idea they were in the same family, or that the lovely purple could come out of that thing that tastes so darn good with butter.

WORD: obbill

All I get in the mail is the obbill.

Various and Sunday said...

Sproutastic! We rode bikes yesterday and at the Marston House they have a HUGE artichoke going -- it was so tall it looked like a tree!