Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blorpety Blorpety Blorp

Munchety munchety munch...this dude was chowing down on one of my tomato plants. And pooping. A lot. I removed him/her/it, broke off a big stem of the plant, and put the whole shebang over in the greenery recycling barrel. Hopefully it will turn into a chrysalis before it's recycling day! I actually think these are quite beautiful. And the "horn"? That's its butt end...

These turn into sphinx moths, quite cool themselves--they're so big and move in much the same way that hummingbirds do, so they're often mistaken for a hummingbird as they fly around at dusk. {Beep--move the filmstrip forward...}


JuJu said...

I think I might have a horn on my butt end.


With a tropical storm just off our coast, the wayesc are very tallc todayc.

Various and Sunday said...

That is so funny. The horn! The blorping, the pooping! Hey, at least it's not a bed bug!

word: dings
I don't vant to do anyting mit dese dings

p.s. how can i ever out-do JuJu???