Thursday, January 17, 2008

It's Alive!! Er, It's Finally a Pillow

Finally! Remember this post? Well, I got out my sewing machine . . . and promptly had a problem with the bobbin shuttle, so off to the repair shop; just as well, actually, since the poor thing hadn't been out of the closet in, um, shall we say, some time, so it needed to be tuned up. Upon its return, I quickly sewed up the sides, stuffed a natural fiber-filled pillow form in, and voila (wah-la, right, Dawn H.?), le pillow. Ooh-la-la?


Susan said...

Nice job!!! I may need to get that kit. It matches my curtains in the living room.

Various and Sunday said...

It really is such a pretty pillow. Yay! It's done!