foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
Monday, March 17, 2008
Bye, Butterfly
I think this little butterfly was on its last legs--it didn't really try to fly away when I approached it. It was covered with ants--ewww, yucky ants--so I moved it up onto another plant so it wouldn't be bothered by them anymore. Aren't butterflies amazing?
I had to try it again because I finally got it to work! Doesn't take much to excite me, does it? (You shoud have been her for dinner--we had green potatoes!!!)
Wildly in love with my husband B., former guardian of the late, lamented Miss Tallulah Mae (the wonder dog), adorer of all canines, dilettantish crafter, obsessed with birds, vintage shopper, lover of libraries, neophyte cellist, and foziewisp.
"AMAZING" and soooo evil. How could something so beautiful be so evil????
I had to try it again because I finally got it to work! Doesn't take much to excite me, does it? (You shoud have been her for dinner--we had green potatoes!!!)
Wait . . . green potatoes? Do elaborate!
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