foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
Monday, July 26, 2010
Chickens, Not-So-Little (But Lovely)
Anyone who knows me knows I have an obsession with chickens...I just do, what can I say? But come on, how pretty are these two birds? I believe the reddish one is an Ameracauna, and the black-and-white one is, perhaps, a Dominique? Just lovely...and they make the sweetest clucking noises, too. I got to hold the one above. Ah, chickens...
Wildly in love with my husband B., former guardian of the late, lamented Miss Tallulah Mae (the wonder dog), adorer of all canines, dilettantish crafter, obsessed with birds, vintage shopper, lover of libraries, neophyte cellist, and foziewisp.
1 comment:
I love how chickens walk, they always seem to be strutting. The strut is too often used these days.
word: mudgmboi
The Mudgmboi tribe is known for its devotion to chickens.
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