Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Some Stuff That People Make (2010 Fair Edition)

Elvis, done with tiny pieces of wood. ..
Astonishing, really...
A VERY scary table.
An amazing piece of craftsmanship...this lion stood four feet high.
Check out the skull afghan on the left.
Knitted food, always fun.
Dolls. They won a blue ribbon.
A cat house. Um...
One of my favorite things...such a sweet little sampler.
I think the birds and mice from Cinderella might have made that dress.
And: "Boo,y'all!"


JuJu said...

I can tell you one thing, my cats wouldn't have gone near that house and my dog would have ripped it to shreds.
And, that dress looks very much like my senior prom dress, only mine was blue and much bigger!!

Now, tell me about you. Are you currently a cancer patient? Are you in treatment or recovering?

And, yes, I was afraid the entire time that the doctor was going to come in and tsk tsk me. :-)

By the way, I love the idea of a tongue dispenser.

word: inonic.

Isn't it inonic? Don't ya think? A little too inonic. Yeah, I really do think.

DD said...

Love all your Fair stuff, Sherri. And who doesn't love Elvis?Did you happen to see that amazing collection of culinary materials:-)? I trust you gorged on fried butter after admiring the butter sculptures!

Mitzi Curi said...

There's something about skulls and afghans that just seems wrong! Have you ever visited Stitchy McYarnpants blog? She has a whole museum of kitschy and tacky knit and crocheted items that even includes the hat made of beer cans crocheted together. It's a fun place to visit.....

Kathryn said...

Love the Elvis-out-of-wood, amazing work there! I was going to direct you over to Mitzi's blog, (I see that she has left a comment) about her trip to Anthropologie. I think the guy who shops for them should start checking out county fairs!!! "Man Shops Globe" (on Sundance Ch) should be "Man Shops Fairs" HA! Hey, he's looking for the unusual...

shari said...

i think that you had one fun time at that fair!!! thanks for sharing cuz that stuff made me laugh. 'cept that skull. on the afghan...