foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Springy Goodness
Only the second week of February and Springiness abounds! This is an ornamental peach tree, I think...there are three of them planted in a row, and they are lovely.
I have noticed a few of these around here too. Wasn't sure what fruit they are, cherry, apple??? Very nice photos, btw.
My shop is Paper Matters. I'm selling Valentine cards at the moment. I have a lot to learn about Etsy! Like getting a link on my blog. Still working through it. Thanks for asking! Hugs!!!! kat
o i am jealous of your blooming things!! all the buds around here are still closed up tight, even though we are having our faux spring weather at the moment... beautiful, fragrant blossoms! can't wait!
Wildly in love with my husband B., former guardian of the late, lamented Miss Tallulah Mae (the wonder dog), adorer of all canines, dilettantish crafter, obsessed with birds, vintage shopper, lover of libraries, neophyte cellist, and foziewisp.
I have noticed a few of these around here too. Wasn't sure what fruit they are, cherry, apple???
Very nice photos, btw.
My shop is Paper Matters. I'm selling Valentine cards at the moment. I have a lot to learn about Etsy! Like getting a link on my blog. Still working through it.
Thanks for asking!
o i am jealous of your blooming things!! all the buds around here are still closed up tight, even though we are having our faux spring weather at the moment... beautiful, fragrant blossoms! can't wait!
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