foziewisp \’fō-zee-wisp\ n 1 : a natural item (such as a leaf, shell, or pod) 2 : a person who collects foziewisps
That is great! Hmmmmm wonder when I could do it to the hubby's car and can I get the post its on sale?
Amazing!! I've been watching the show about stalkers and couldn't help but hope it was a true love and not a stalker. I know..I have a twisted mind.
Taylor's friends did this for her on her 16th birthday, I thought it was so sweet. And, I was so glad it was on HER car and not mine.
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That is great! Hmmmmm wonder when I could do it to the hubby's car and can I get the post its on sale?
Amazing!! I've been watching the show about stalkers and couldn't help but hope it was a true love and not a stalker. I know..I have a twisted mind.
Taylor's friends did this for her on her 16th birthday, I thought it was so sweet. And, I was so glad it was on HER car and not mine.
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